Next Student Event:
November 8-10, 2019 | Nashville, Tennessee
Teaching Local & National Advocacy
ASACC's National Student Advocacy Conference has been implementing change since 1984. Community Colleges throughout the United States come together in the nation's capital to learn, collaborate, and take action. Throughout the conference, you will be able to hear from relevant and powerful changemakers currently in D.C., represent your constituents by visiting your local and state representatives on Capitol Hill, and share ideas with other students in attendance that you can immediately take back to your campus for implementation.
National Student Advocacy
March 14-17, 2020 | Washington, D.C.
National Student Contemporary Leadership & Citizenship Conference
November 6-8, 2020 | Atlanta, Georgia
Connecting Leaders
with Opportunity
ASACC focuses on three main themes: leadership, citizenship, and advocacy. Good student leaders, who create good student governments on their campus, must learn the basics of all three of these concepts in order to be successful as student government leaders and later as community, state and even national leaders.